The Wynnum RSL Sub-Branch Inc was formed in 1926 at its current location. Its first Charter was granted on 29 March 1927, with its current Charter granted on 17 July 2002.

Wynnum Sub Branch is located on the site of Lord Kitchener’s address to the troops from Lytton on 3 January 1910.

The Sub Branch is active in the local community, with the Wynnum RSL Women’s Auxiliary, the Legacy Care Group, the Golf Club, the Fishing Club, the Indoor Bowls Club, the Pipe Band and the Sub Branch Library.

Russell Wiseman was presented with his 50 Year RSL Membership Certificate by the District President on Thursday, 2nd September.  He was thank for his loyalty and commitment to Wynnum RSL Sub Branch and his main achievements are as follows:

  • Life Subscriber and Wynnum RSL Sub Branch Committee Member for 15 years
  • 2007-2009 President of RSL Club
  • 2010-2012 Vice President of Sub Branch
  • Currently President of RSL Golf Club since 1998
  • Secretary of Wynnum RSL Cricket Club and played cricket games at Nambour & Harrisville in the 1970s

Information for members

Wynnum RSL Sub-Branch meets at the Wynnum RSL, 174 Tingal Rd WYNNUM.

General Meetings are held quarterly and are subject to change.  Please contact the Sub Branch Office.

Pensions and Advocacy support is available through the Sub Branch Pensions and Advocacy Office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9:30am and midday. Bookings through the Sub Branch Office.

The Wynnum RSL Women’s Auxiliary can be contacted through the Sub Branch Office.

The Wynnum RSL Sub Branch is located at 174 Tingal Rd WYNNUM 4178 and can be contacted on 07 3396 7333 or Fax 07 3893 0915