The Springwood Tri-Service RSL Sub-Branch Inc was formed in 2000, with its Charter being awarded on 17 February 2002.

As one of the newer Sub Branches in Queensland, Springwood Tri-Service has moved quickly to engage the local community and participate with local government in initiatives that commemorate and educate the community and our youth. The Sub Branch proudly contributed to the War Memorial opened in Springwood Park in 2005. Subsequently, the Sub Branch has engaged with local schools to establish Memorials in each of those schools. This program has now established Memorials in twenty local schools.

Information for members

Springwood Tri-Service RSL Sub-Branch currently meets at the Springwood Hotel, corner Springwood & Rochedale Road, Springwood QLD 4217.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday in the month commencing at 10:30am. Social activities are held throughout the year.

Welfare Support is available through the Sub Branch. Bookings through the Secretary.