The Defence Service Nurses RSL Sub-Branch existed under several different names since its formation in 1919. On 15 November 1919, a motion was passed for the WWI nurses to form the Nurses Branch of the then RSSAILA – this Branch became defunct.

On 8 June 1933, 26 returned sisters and masseurs from WWI formed the Returned Sisters Sub Branch of the then RSSAILA, with a Charter being awarded on 1 January 1939.

The latest name change (to Defence Service Nurses) on 7 August 2003 was instigated to better reflect nursing and nurses in the modern Defence environment. It also recognized the growing role of male nurses in the Services. It was also a response to concerns that Defence Nurses who have not seen active service may feel excluded and their contribution to Defence Nursing minimized through the use of ‘Returned’ in the Sub Branch title.

The Sub Branch is active in commemorative events relevant to Defence Nursing.

Information for members

Event – The Defence Service Nurses Sub Branch are holding their Annual Military Memorial Church Service to commemorate the Bangka Island Massacre of 21 nurses in WWII, at St Augustine’s Anglican Memorial Church, Racecourse Road Hamilton, Qld. This service will be on starts at 1:00pm for 1:15pm – 2:00pm, followed by an afternoon tea in the Church Hall.
If you are planning to attend this service, please RSVP by close of business on the Thursday 8th February 2024 to: The Secretary DSN RSL Sub-Branch, or phone 07 3358 3155.

The Sub Branch general meetings are scheduled to occur on the 3rd Sunday of every second month commencing in February of each year. The venue is the Yeronga Services Club, 391 Fairfield Road, Yeronga commencing at 1300hrs. Members may partake in Lunch at their own expense prior to the meeting.

The Sub Branch conducts a number of welfare activities during the course of each year; the Commemorative Defence Nurses Lunch in July and the welfare Lunch in November are special sub branch events.

Defence Service Nurses RSL Sub Branch supports the Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses conducting the  Nursing Candle Light Vigil and has done so since its commencement in 2014 and is conducted annually each Anzac Eve.

Members of Defence Service Nurses also volunteer their time at Mates 4 Mates, Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation and future plans include volunteering at the Ipswich Veteran Support Group.

The Sub Branch provides Limited Welfare Services and is able to provide a Poppy Service on request. Pensions and Advocacy support is available through the RSL SED Pensions and Advocacy Office at Greenslopes Private Hospital on 07 3394 7235 or 07 3394 7077 during normal business hours.

Should you have any additional information requirements please contact the Sub Branch through the Secretary.